Must-have features to include in a real-time messaging app like WhatsApp, Viber, Line, WeChat

The need for networking with friends and family across the world has led to the rapid growth of instant messaging social apps. They are gaining more popularity with each passing day, and several apps are launched every day to allow users to connect instantly for personal or professional reasons. Social media apps like WhatsApp, Viber, Line, WeChat, etc., have gained a massive customer base since its launch and are continuing to grow due to the efforts they undertake to engage their users. Join the thriving industry by launching your own social media app and gain your own set of audience. Here are some must-have features you should consider to include during your instant messaging app development. Registration page Allow users to sign up with your messaging platform using their phone numbers and email IDs. Preferably, registering using a phone number helps in verifying the authenticity of the details provided by users. Contact integration Once users register, help them s...